Blog #160: The Benefits Of Collaboration

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(There are no InsMark presentations used in this blog.  It is a an informational blog only)

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Bob Ritter's blog #160: The Benefits Of Collaboration highfive with puppy and girl

As you may know by now, we have recently launched a new program called the InsMark Advanced Consulting Group or “ACG”.  The basic idea with ACG is to connect life producers who are experts in certain niche markets with other producers for joint business.

Today, it’s nearly impossible to be all things to all people when it comes to sophisticated life insurance planning.  With strategies such as premium financing, bank-owned life insurance, COLI and pension restructuring, it’s rare that one firm can provide every possible solution . . . especially when those solutions require specialized expertise to present, close and service.

If you don’t have those specific capabilities for a certain advanced sales concept, it could be very profitable for you to have a group of niche experts that can be added to your planning team. . . instantly.  That’s ACG.

To learn more now, just go to the ACG Landing Page.  Also, see below for an upcoming webinar we have scheduled to explain more about the ACG Program.

Bob Ritter's blog #160: Go Team Two dogs teaming up to fetch a stick

Scheduled Webinar

There will be a LIVE one-hour Webinar on Thursday, May 25th at 11 AM (Eastern) with the title: “InsMark’s Advanced Consulting Group”.  During this webinar, Don Prehn and I will be explaining the Advanced Consulting Group (“ACG”) and how it can help you expand your service platform to a much broader range of individual and corporate clients.  Simply click here to register.

By attending the webinar, you will discover:

  • Why certain life insurance niche markets require specialists and almost always result in very large cases
  • Why partnering with life producers that are specialists means greater efficiency for you, virtually no increase in overhead and a substantial boost in net profits to your agency
  • What niche markets are currently supported with InsMark's ACG program
  • What marketing resources are available to you from each ACG expert to help you identify right fit clients for each different market niche
  • Why going it alone on premium financing, pension restructuring and BOLI is such a huge mistake
  • How to contact and then "start the ball rolling" with each ACG Expert
  • What is the ACG process of working a case together (splits, client engagement, IMOs and servicing)
  • What results other producers are already experiencing with this new ACG program (details about the cases in process . . . each with gross commissions between $200,000 to $400,000)
InsMark Advanced Consulting Group – Webinar Presenters
Bob Ritter Don Prehn
Bob Ritter
President, CEO
Don Prehn
Senior Adviser

Licensing InsMark Systems

To license any of the InsMark software products, visit our Product Center online or contact Julie Nayeri at or 888-InsMark (467-6275).  Institutional inquiries should be directed to David Grant, Senior Vice President — Sales, at or (925) 543-0513.

For help on how to use InsMark software, go to The Quickest Way To Learn InsMark.


“If you don’t get the client to distinguish cash flow from net worth, you won’t make the case sale.  In my experience, Wealthy and Wise is the only system that recognizes this important estate planning component.”
Stephen Rothschild, CLU, ChFC, CRC, RFC, International Forum Member, Saint Louis, MO

“The InsMark software is indispensable to my entire planning process because it enables me to show my clients that inaction has a price tag.  I can’t afford to go without it!”
David McKnight, Author of The Power of Zero, InsMark Gold Power Producer®, Grafton, WI

“I am writing to give you a ringing endorsement for the Wealthy and Wise System.  As you know, I am a LEAP practitioner.  The Wealthy and Wise software has helped me supplement my LEAP skills in the over age 60 client base.  I have been paid for many cases using Wealthy and Wise as support, the smallest of which was $27,000, the largest was $363,000.  With those type of commissions, you would have to be nuts not to buy it.”
Vincent M. D'Addona, CLU, ChFC, MSFS, AEP, InsMark Platinum Power Producer®, New York City, NY

“Major cases we are developing have all moved along successfully because of the sublime simplicity and communication capability of Wealthy and Wise.  I guarantee that the proper use of this tool will dramatically raise the professional and personal self-image of any associate who dares to take the time to understand it . . .”
Phillip Barnhill, CLU, InsMark Gold Power Producer®, Minneapolis, MN


Important Note #1:  The information in this Blog is for educational purposes only.  In all cases, the approval of a client's legal and tax advisers must be secured regarding the implementation or modification of any planning technique as well as the applicability and consequences of new cases, rulings, or legislation upon existing or impending plans.